the last day of, goodbye! enggak kerasa oktober akhirnya selesai! banyak kenangan yanggg senang sedih menggembirakan mengecewakan, yaa tapi kita inget yang seneng seneng ajalaah hahaha
the first thing that make this october become spectacular birthday 6th october! well, nothing special really happen, but thanks to venna egi bobby i had the most exciting birthday! thanxoooo!
mmm SECOND at 21st october, my friend aisha chiara primavianti, kyra, she had her birthday in the same time with some school program thingy called amt. yep, this is fun......check it out!
ini garagara hbs didorong imu trs jatoh ditangga+mata gue sakit garagara ngiket pasminanya kekencengan
jadi, cerita surprise ini tdnya gue gaktau samasekali garagara sangka gue, yaa ulangtaun gue sudah berlalu 2 minggu yang lalu hahaha ternyata......munyu loveyouguys!! trs gue sm kyra dikasih album yg isinya foto kita dari jaman sd, sweeeetttyy :*
#3 AMT
day 1 at jambuluwuk